Lady in Waiting by Catherine Marchand

Waiting by Ntieyko

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

A New Day

This will be a quick post. Still lots of drama, chaos, and uncertainity, but I am finding myself enjoying any amount of positivity and peace that comes my way, no matter how small it is or how quickly it vanishes.

No matter how bad things get for me, I always know that someone else has it worse. I am blessed in my mess and continue to mentor that thought to myself as much as possible.

I am finding that helping others really is a key to helping myself. When you get so wrapped up in your own misery, you begin to feel that you can not be a help or support for anyone. However, this is so far from the truth. When you reach out to help others, even when you feel you are at your lowest, darkest point of your life, it will not take long before you begin to feel your sense of worth again. And this all happens while you are you are helping someone else who may really need that additional boost for themself.

Anyway, no major miracles here yet. Only small ones that I appreciate every day. It is the small ones that keep you going.

Yours Truly,

A LladynWaitn

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