Lady in Waiting by Catherine Marchand

Waiting by Ntieyko

Thursday, March 17, 2011

Just Sayin...

As I listed in my description of what this blog is supposed to be about, I set this up for my own expression as healthy way to let of steam, and evaluate my story. You know, the whole "where you came from" to "where you are now" thing. I don't keep up with it nearly as much as I would like, but there have been some pretty extensive circumstances that have hindered that. Anyway, when I can, I write, and get out what I feel has been trapped for way to long.

I happen across social media and the whole blogging trend on extreme accident and pretty much out of extreme desperation. I instantly fell in love with the social media craze and started teaching myself tricks of the trade, researching and reading everything I could, and trying my hand at it in real time. Happy to say my testing and "just do it" attitude has really taught me quite alot! That is pretty much where this blog came from. It was a testing ground for me. No matter what happens, I will probably never take this site down. It's like the first dollar bill that a store owner proudly hangs up on his wall. It is like the green ribbon, honorable mention, you get when you run the relay race but did't win. I am still proud of my honorable mentions.  

Oh, I know you that you can "make money" and "monetize" and "cash in on the social media highway" but that is not what this blog is for. This is for me. Simply Put. So with that being said...

  • I am still a Lady in Waiting. Still here, chomping down, bit by bit, day by day, doing whatever it takes for me to stay here...Just Sayin'.

  • I love my children and know that no matter what is said to them or about me, we have a bond that no one can destroy.. Just Sayin'.

  • I love my hometown New Orleans and being part of this city again has brought life back to my soul...Just Sayin'.

  • I am filled with ideas, wonder, and imagination. My heart screams entrepreneur success yet my eyes see nothing but road blocks..Just Sayin'.

  • Nothing is settled. The drama is not over. I am still not walking down the yellow brick road to success or much less to security...Just Sayin'.

  • I have no idea what tomorrow will bring.. Just Sayin'.

  • The happiness I feel when I have those four faces smiling at me can not be put into any human vocabulary..Just Sayin'.

  • The hurt and pain that surrounds me everyday breaks my heart into smaller fragments each day..Just Sayin'.

  • Each day I see the small accomplishments I have made, although others see nothing but failure...Just Sayin'.

  • I would have never, ever chosen this path of complete hell on earth for myself or my family. But for some inexplicable reason, God did...Just Sayin'.

  • I may cry, break down, say that "I am done", but I know in my heart of hearts that I will never give up. I was not built that way...Just Sayin'.

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